Michael Swanwicks Periodic Table of Science Fiction 74 W Tungsten 183.85Light Bulb Jokes Okay heres one: how many characters in a science fiction story does it take to change a lightbulb Give up Two. One to change the light bulb and the other to say As you know Fred the lightbulb was invented by Thomas Edison and operates under the principle of Heres another one only maybe its not so funny. How many scientists does it take to change alight bulb Dont know About ten thousand to build the Doomsday Device and one to write thereport saying that Project Light Bulb is an enormous success and requires further funding.Didnt like that one How about this How many diplomats does it take to change a light bulbOne to lay down an ultimatum over a border dispute a second to pass on his head of statesthreat to employ Project Light Bulb if enemy troops cross that border and a third to decidethat the head of state was bluffing. Not funny you say. Well youre a tough audience. Try this one. How many heads of state doesit take to change a light bulb None. Heads of state dont change anything. Not light bulbsnot their minds nothing. Okay one last joke. How many surviving